April 9, 2008 Minutes

The Board of Selectmen met on Wednesday, April 9th at the Town Office. This was the first meeting for Jeremy Morin, who was recently elected to serve as a selectmen for a 3 year term. The Board elected Mark Wigley to serve as Chairman for this year. After some questions regarding the budget, the selectmen signed appointment sheets for the upcoming year for the Planning Board, Sexton, Animal Control Officer, Ballot Clerks, Fire Chief, Fire Warden, Administrative Assistant and Health Officer.

The Selectmen decided that it would be a standard practice that if a regular meeting (second Wednesday of the month) had to be cancelled for any reason, it would be held the next week. There will be a list of meeting dates on the website soon.

Jeremy Morin would serve as the General Contractor for the New Town Office renovations. There will be an ad in the paper for Sub Contractors to contact him regarding bidding on the project.
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